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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

WISDOM FOR SINGLES & MARRIED ~Take Instructions instead of silver and knowledge rather than choice gold, for Wisdom is better than Jewls. Proverb8:10-11(RSV) ~He Who finds a wife finds GOODTHING and obtain FAVOUR from the LORD,Proverb18:22(NKJV) ~ And the two shall become ONE FLESH, so they are no longer TWO, But ONE FLESH.Mark10:8(NASB) POINTS FROM THE QUOTES ABOVE The Joy of marriage begins when the foundation is built on Jesus Christ. Marital relationship must also be built on Pillars of Wisdom and Knowledge, understanding, fear of God, counsel, Love, trust, Honesty, respect and frienship. SOME SPECIAL KEY POINTS As marriage is Glorious, beautiful, sweet, majestic and adventurous, so also is singleness. NEVER mourn your singleness. Singleness is NOT a SIN, but A STAGE! Singleness is NOT a CURSE, but A BLESSING! Singleness is NOT a LIMITATION, BUT A GIFT! You can be single and Successful! You can be single and fulfilled. Enjoy your singleness before the TRANSLATION into the JOY OF MARRIAGE. It is better to be single and hoping to be married than married and praying to be single. Don't prepare in marriage but, prepare for marriage. Let every relationship be defined to overcome distortion. A broken relationship is better than a broken home or marriage. Your conduct, lifestyle, character and attitude must Glorify God. Develop a good presonal Hygiene and take Good care of your appearance. Don't be in a rush to get married.Avoid too short or too long a courtship. Don't marry a STRANGER! Marry a FRIEND or your BEST FRIEND. Don't marry to solve a particular Problem. Don't expect marriage to automatically make you happy. Don't marry a status, name, symbol,Image or title. Handle Age difference with Wisdom and maturity. Dont marry someone who promises to change from badhabit later. Don't marry an extremely Jealous and envious person.Use your relationship period to work on each other. Nationality,culture,and tribe should not be a Problem but an advantage. Give each other breathing space and handle conflicts with care. Don't keep record of wrongdoing, Learn to say: 'I Am sorry'. Learn to smile and cheerup one another. Use pet name if necessary.Guard your christian faith Jealously. Create time for communal prayers and bible study.Don't ignore DANGER SIGNALS, ask leading questions. Celebrate each other.Understand each other's emotional level( TEMPERAMENT). Nobody on earth can meet all your needs EXCECPT GOD. Get matured financially, Emotionally, Physically, Socially and Spiritually. Compare and understand your indivindual Background. You must COMPLEMENT and not contradict each other.Never rebuke or slight each other in Public, use signs. Develop good Communication Skills. Work on PARENTAL Pressure and PEER Pressure. Put your past BEHIND and MOVE FOWARD. Sexual familiarity before marriage can be very DEADLY. Remember WEDDING IS ONE DAY BUT MARRIAGE IS A LIFETIME,MARRIAGE IS A COVENANT, NOT JUST A PROMISE. Learn to study more about relationships and marriages that succeeded! MAY YOUR RELATIONSHIP, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY BE A BLESSING AND A WONDER IN JESUS NAME!Amen. STAY WITH WISDOM ALWAYS!

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