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Monday, 16 March 2015

DESTINY & LEADERSHIP(2) ~JESUS WAS BORN IN A MANGER BUT HE DID NOT REMAIN THERE! And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn Luke2:7 (KJV) The circumstances surrounding the birth of someone do not determine his greatness in Life. Your present challenges cannot stop your destination in life. According to John Powell:MANY OF LIFE'S GREATEST OPPORTUNITIES COME INTO OUR LIVES DISGUISE AS PROBLEMS. Edmund Hillary did not climb the mountain Everest at first attempt.So, do not give up. You have great treasure ahead. According to Edwin Louis Cole: CHAMPIONS ARE NOT THOSE WHO NEVER FAIL, BUT THOSE WHO NEVER QUIT. Do not accept the mentality that if your destiny is great, there will be no challenge or problem. According to innocent J. Igbokwe OCD: NO PAIN, NO DESTINY.ANY PAIN CONQUERED IS A DESTINY ACHIEVED. CONQUER IT AND ACHIEVE IT. ~ LEADERSHIP & FAITHFULNESS a faithful man shall abound with blessings Proverbs28:20(KJV) Faithfulness is what makes you get going when the going is tough. Several people, when faced with challenging situation loose sight of their visions or dream. Some will altogether become weak in faith and they eventually backslide. Faithfulness is simply FULLNESS OF FAITH. It is taking God at his word irrespective of the Unfavorable situations. ~CHAMPIONS DO AS HABIT WHAT FAILURES DO OCCASIONALLY Meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all 1Tim4:15(KJV) Think of this: there is really no future or tomorow without today. Whenever we say tomorrow, few hours later it arrives, it becomes today! Today is an extension of another today( tomorow). So. Lets make good use of everyday! To be a champion tomorrow is a product of our daily habit. ~ KNOWLEDGE & DESTINY According to Chris Uzochukwu: KNOWLEDGE UNLOCKS THE STORE HOUSE OF GOD. Try and study more about what you desire and love in life,there is always Room at the Top! ~GOD BLESS YOU MORE

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