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Thursday, 23 August 2018

Let the Children come to me

Word for the Moment
Topic: Let the Children Come to Me
Matt 19:13-15
~ Then children were brought to Jesus so that He might place His hands on them [for a blessing] and pray; but the disciples reprimanded them.
14 But He said, “Leave the children alone, and do not forbid them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 After placing His hands on them [for a blessing],
* How wonderful it is for Children to be with Jesus Christ
* How often do we bring our children to Jesus Christ
* What are the barriers locking our children away from Jesus Christ ?
* How do we remove those barriers?
* Identify and decisively remove them
* Children are blessings from the LORD. 
(Psalm 127:3)
* Children(Blessings) can graciously be preserved by the Glory from Gods presence
* Samuel grew in Gods presence 1Sam2:21,26
* Became Power and favor loaded
* Let every barrier stopping the Little ones from accessing Jesus Christ,  be removed in Jesus Name , Amen.
* Let blessings from Above rest on the little ones , Let the sick among them be healed in Jesus Name , Amen .

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